Editorial Board
Volchikhin Vladimir, Doctor of engineering science, professor, president of Penza State University.
Artemov Igor, Doctor of engineering science, professor, director of the Research institute of fundamental and applied studies of Penza State University.
Muyzemnek Aleхander, Doctor of engineering science, professor, head of the theoretical and applied mechanics and graphics sub-department of Penza State University.
Afanaseva Yulia, Candidate of sociological sciences, head of scientific journals department, Penza State University.
Batishchev Vitaly, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the information technology sub-depertment, Samara State Technical University.
Bershadsky Alexander, Doctor of engineering science, professor, head of the computer automated design systems sub-depertment, Penza State University.
Bozhday Alexander, Doctor of engineering science, professor of the computer automated design systems sub-depertment, Penza State University.
Borzov Andrey, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Missile and Artillery Sciences, head of autonomous information and control systems sub-depertment, Bauman Moscow State Technical University.
Bochkarev Petr, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the machine engineering technology sub-department, Kamyshinsky Institute of Technology (Branch) Volgograd State Technical University.
Brzhozovsky Boris, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, chief researcher of the laboratory of the theory of mechanisms and structures of machines, Russian Academy of Sciences.
Voevodin Vladimir, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, сorresponding member of the Russian Academy of Sciences, head of the supercomputers and quantum informatics sub-department, M.V.Lomonosov Moscow State University.
Gurin Nektary, Doctor of physical and mathematical sciences, professor, head of the radiophysics and electronics sub-department, Ulyanovsk State University
Zverovschikov Vladimir, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the machine engineering and equipment technology sub-department, Penza State University.
Ignat'ev Alexander, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the technical mechanics and mechatronics sub-depertment, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
Kostogryzov Andrey, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, chief researcher of the Federal Research Center “Informatics and Management” of the Russian Academy of Sciences.
Kulagin Vladimir, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the mathematical cybernetics and information technologies sub-depertment, Moscow Technical University of Communications and Informatics.
Murashkina Tatyana, Doctor of engineering science, professor, professor of the instrument engineering sub-department, Penza State University.
Paramonov Nikolay, Doctor of engineering science, professor, head - chief researcher of the General Software Adaptation Department at the UVK Institute of Electronic Control Machines named after. I.S. Brooka.
Prokhorov Sergej, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the information systems and technologies sub-department, Samara National Research University.
Svetlov Anatoly, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, head of the radio engineering and radio-electronic systems sub-department, Penza State University.
Senin Petr, Doctor of engineering science, professor, head of the Higher School for the development of scientific and educational potential, Ogarev Mordovia State University.
Sivyakov Boris, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the electrical engineering and electronics sub-depertment, Yuri Gagarin State Technical University of Saratov.
Simonov Alexey, Doctor of engineering sciences, deputy head of department - head of department 755 of the Russian Federal Nuclear Center - All-Russian Research Institute of Technical Physics named after Academician E. I. Zababakhin.
Shcherbakov Mikhail, Doctor of engineering science, professor, head of the automation and remote control sub-depertment, Penza State University.
Finogeev Aleksey, Doctor of engineering sciences, professor, professor of the computer automated design systems sub-depertment, Penza State University.
Yurkov Nikolay, Doctor of engineering science, professor, head of radio equipment engineering and production sub-depertment, Penza State University.
Дата обновления: 14.11.2024 10:01